We’ve Got the Beat!

After releasing some of their physical energy, they divide into small groups to play different instruments in stations around the room. Some tap out a beat on the floor using rhythm sticks.  Others gently ring triangles and wooden instruments to keep a steady beat. A variety of different sized hand drums are laid out on the floor for another group.

Each group takes a turn as they chant out the words to “Wee Willie Winkie” getting louder and softer as directed by teacher Brittany Brown.

She’s able to do much of this thanks to a $537 grant from the Thornapple Area Enrichment Foundation for musical instruments and tools. She purchased drums, puppets, triangles, ribbons, and bean bags to help students learn how to keep a beat and play different rhythms to many different instruments.  

“The kids love them all,” said Brown. “I think they really like the ribbons because they are so colorful and they can move with them.”

She also purchased bean bags students can toss to each other to practice keeping a steady beat and some hand and finger puppets to be used to act out songs.

“I am so thankful for this grant to be able to add these pieces for our music classes,” she said. 

Thornapple Area Enrichment Foundation annually awards grants to teachers and classrooms for supplies outside what classroom budgets may allow them to purchase. This fall, TAEF awarded more than $10,000 to TK teachers and programs.