Principal Jon Washburn, dressed as The Cat in the Hat from the Dr. Seuss book, helped serve up the green eggs and ham this week. He reminded students it's important to read every day.
During the month students will have a variety of fun activities to encourage reading. There will be a crazy wacky dress-up day, a day to wear a favorite color to school, and a day to dress up like a favorite book character.
March 21 will be the annual Literacy Night at McFall. Families are invited to attend the fun and games and meet guest children's author Denise Brennan-Nelson.
Students are also encouraged to read at home - not just at school. A special March is Reading Month calendar encourages students to put away the video games on March 16 and read! Another weekend event suggests reading a recipe and making something new.
Here's the calendar of special events for March at McFall:
- March 8 - Career Day or College Gear Day - Dress up as what you will be when you grow up or wear a shirt from the college you may attend.
- March 10 - Have your Mom or Day read to you at home
- March 13 - Dress up crazy or wacky - it's Wacky Wednesday
- March 15 - Wear your favorite color to school
- March 16 - No video games - Read instead
- March 19 - Dress up as your favorite book character
- March 21 - Literacy Night - 5:30 to 7 p.m. McFall families are invited to attend, play games, make crafts and special treats. Guest author Denise Brennan-Nelson will also be there sharing her books.
- March 24 - Read a recipe and make something yummy at home
- March 28 - Reading celebration - Global Play Day! Wear PJ's and Ice Cream party!!!!